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Taylor Parker, RN, BSN

Meet Taylor Parker, RN, BSN; the March featured Science Sista of the month. Taylor has been an Emergency Room RN for three years-- with the last six months working as a travel nurse in California. Taylor is passionate about the importance of high-quality patient care, especially in critically ill patients. While working full-time as an RN, Taylor is also working on her master's degree in psych mental health nursing. She stresses the importance of mental health's impact on overall health and well-being. Taylor is especially interested in mental health's future at the primary care level, understanding that mental health checkups are as important as primary care checkups. She hopes to one day reduce the stigma of therapy and mental health, specifically in minority populations. 

In her free time, Taylor loves trying new things, the most recent adventure being rock climbing and hiking. She also enjoys activities that bridge her mind and body, such as yoga, meditation, and playing with her two cats, Reese and Fred. She is constantly inspired by women in the STEM community and looks forward to the future of black women in STEM innovation.

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